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chapter 1
section 7
Among Contemporary Native American Peoples
in Native American and U.S. Claimed Territories

theme: tribalism

circle of concern:

contemporary Native American peoples in Native American & U.S. claimed territories


Tribalism lives. Resistance continues.


Vine Deloria, Jr. prescribes that Native Americans redefine "Indian Affairs." According to Deloria, Native Americans should retribalize, recustomize, and recolonize.


Resurgent Native American tribalism will contribute to a redefinition of "Indian Affairs" and to resurgent tribalism globally. Native American tribes and nations will continue to claim independence and sovereignty over their homelands.


[Return to chapter one: about Tribalism.]

most recent update: 24 March 1997
NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: copyright 1997 Theodore Walker, Jr. This copyright covers all content and formatting (browser-visible and HTML text) in this and attached documents created by Theodore Walker, Jr. c@Theodore Walker, Jr.