use "c:\data\mlogit.dta" generate st1 = 1 - dd2 - dd3 generate st2 = dd2 generate st3 = dd3 generate st = . replace st = 1 if (st1 == 1) replace st = 2 if (st2 == 1) replace st = 3 if (st3 == 1) list st1 st2 st3 st x1 x2 * As we can see, the data is in the WIDE FORM. * Tabulate the dependent variable (st) tabulate st * Multinomial logit with base outcome alternative 1 (store 1) mlogit st x1 x2, baseoutcome(1) nolog * Odds Ratio estimates - Multinomial logit with base outcome alternative 1 (store 1) mlogit st x1 x2, rr baseoutcome(1) nolog * Predict probabilities of choice of each store and compare to actual freqs quietly mlogit st x1 x2, baseoutcome(1) predict pmlogit1 pmlogit2 pmlogit3, pr summarize pmlogit* st, separator(3) list pmlogit* in 1/10 * Create Classification Table and get accuracy rate egen pred_max = rowmax(pmlogit*) generate pred_choice = . forv i=1/3 { replace pred_choice = `i' if (pred_max == pmlogit`i') } local st_label: value label st label values pred_choice `st_label' tabulate pred_choice st * Accuracy rate = (104 + 198 + 98)/1000 = 0.40 * In comparison, the accuracy rate that one would expect from naively classifying * using the majority class (store = 2) would be 34.4% accuracy on average. * See the previous tabulation result for the dependent variable - st. * Thus, the current mlogit classifier is providing a LIFT of 40.00/34.4 = 1.16.