* Use GPA1.dta generate parcollsum = fathcoll + mothcoll generate parcoll = (parcollsum > 0) * OLS standard errors for LPM regress PC hsGPA ACT parcoll predict yhat * Checking to see if any of the yhat are outside of the interval (0,1) * None of them are so we do not need to make any adjustments in * calculating the WLS weights summarize yhat generate vary = yhat*(1 - yhat) generate weight = 1/sqrt(vary) * Heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors for LPM regress PC hsGPA ACT parcoll, vce(robust) * Using WLS to estimate the LPM generate PCstar = PC*weight generate onestar = 1*weight generate hsGPAstar = hsGPA*weight generate ACTstar = ACT*weight generate parcollstar = parcoll*weight regress PCstar onestar hsGPAstar ACTstar parcollstar, noconstant * There is very little difference in the OLS and WLS results in this case