New York Times

Angering Conservatives and Liberals, Chief Justice Defends Steady Restraint

June 27, 2015

by Adam Liptak

WASHINGTON — On Thursday, when Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. helped save the Affordable Care Act for a second time, conservatives accused him of everything short of treason.

On Friday, when he dissented from a decision establishing a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, liberals not too busy celebrating charged that he had tarnished his legacy and landed on the wrong side of history.

Now completing his 10th term as the leader of a deeply divided court, Chief Justice Roberts remains more apt to surprise than any of his colleagues, and therefore more likely to disappoint.

He seemed to anticipate the dueling critiques, and used this week’s opinions to cast himself as a steady practitioner of judicial modesty. Indeed, he employed very similar language to suggest that his votes were consistent and principled.

The court’s job in the health care case, he wrote on Thursday, was to let the political process work and ensure that Congress’s intentions were honored. “In a democracy, the power to make the law rests with those chosen by the people,” he wrote.

The court’s job in the marriage case was the same, he said on Friday. “It can be tempting for judges to confuse our own preferences with the requirements of the law,” he wrote. “The majority today neglects that restrained conception of the judicial role. It seizes for itself a question the Constitution leaves to the people, at a time when the people are engaged in a vibrant debate on that question.”

The two cases illuminate the puzzle that is Chief Justice Roberts. When President George W. Bush nominated him in 2005 to replace Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, his work as a lawyer in Republican administrations and his brief record as an appeals court judge gave every indication that his would be a reliably conservative vote.

But then Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist died, and President Bush nominated Judge Roberts to take over leadership of the court. Taking the center seat at the Supreme Court may have moved him toward the ideological center, too, if only a little.

The chief justice has, after all, institutional responsibilities along with jurisprudential ones. He is the custodian of the Supreme Court’s prestige, authority and legitimacy, and he is often its voice in major cases.

His most recent predecessors each served for more than 15 years and participated in more than 1,000 decisions. But just a handful of those rulings came to define their legacies.

The court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren is remembered for its cases on desegregation, voting and the rights of criminals. The one led by Chief Justice Warren E. Burger moved right in criminal cases, but also identified a constitutional right to abortion. Under Chief Justice Rehnquist, the Supreme Court delivered the 2000 election to George W. Bush.

The Roberts court’s most memorable decisions include campaign finance,health care and Second Amendment cases in which the chief justice was in the majority. But with Friday’s marriage decision, a civil rights landmark, Chief Justice Roberts was on the losing side, and it seemed to sting.

His colleagues, he said, had portrayed him and other fair-minded people “as bigoted” for not sharing their understanding of the Constitution.

“In the face of all this,” he wrote, “a much different view of the court’s role is possible. That view is more modest and restrained. It is more skeptical that the legal abilities of judges also reflect insight into moral and philosophical issues. It is more sensitive to the fact that judges are unelected and unaccountable, and that the legitimacy of their power depends on confining it to the exercise of legal judgment.”

He suggested but did not quite say that he might vote for same-sex marriagewere he an elected lawmaker.

“Stripped of its shiny rhetorical gloss, the majority’s argument is that the due process clause gives same-sex couples a fundamental right to marry because it will be good for them and for society,” he wrote. “If I were a legislator, I would certainly consider that view as a matter of social policy. But as a judge, I find the majority’s position indefensible as a matter of constitutional law.”

His tone on Friday may have been understated, but he compared the reasoning of Justice Anthony M. Kennedy’s majority opinion in the marriage case with some of the court’s most discredited decisions. He citedDred Scott, the 1857 decision that said black slaves were property and not citizens, saying that there, too, “the court relied on its own conception of liberty.” The chief justice also cited Lochner v. New York, a 1905 decision that struck down a New York work-hours law and has become shorthand for improper interference with matters properly left to legislatures.

Chief Justice Roberts chided members of the majority for inconsistency by quoting their own words. Just last year, the chief justice wrote, Justice Kennedy had insisted on respect for voters’ judgments in an affirmative action case. “It is demeaning to the democratic process,” Justice Kennedy had written, “to presume that voters are not capable of deciding an issue of this sensitivity on decent and rational grounds.”

Then Chief Justice Roberts quoted another member of the majority, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, from a 1985 law review article criticizing the court for moving too fast in Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision identifying a constitutional right to abortion: “Heavy-handed judicial intervention was difficult to justify and appears to have provoked, not resolved, conflict.”

The chief justice bristles at accusations that the court’s decisions are motivated by partisan politics. He cannot have enjoyed the barrage of name calling after Thursday’s health care decision from commentators on the right — “a disgrace,” “Nancy Pelosi’s copy editor,” “a disastrous choice” for the Supreme Court. The Wall Street Journal’s editorial page worried that the chief justice may be “moving pointedly to the left on the bench, like former Justices David H. Souter or Harry A. Blackmun,” Republican appointees who had disappointed their conservative sponsors.

But Chief Justice Roberts’s opinion in the same-sex marriage case pointed in another direction, disappointing those liberals who thought he might find a way to provide a sixth vote for a constitutional right to such unions. Critics on the left expressed deep disappointment, saying, for instance, that the chief justice had “treated gay men and lesbians to a lecture.”

In his dissent on Friday, Chief Justice Roberts suggested that the two opinions were entirely consistent. “Under the Constitution,” he wrote, “judges have the power to say what the law is, not what it should be.”