New York Times

November 5, 2013

Justices Decline an Appeal on Abortion


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court decided on Monday not to hear an appeal from a decision striking down an Oklahoma abortion law after all, dismissing as “improvidently granted” a case it had agreed to consider in June.

The move followed an Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling last week that the law, enacted in 2011, violated the Constitution by effectively banning all medicinal, nonsurgical abortions. The ruling came in response to questions from the United States Supreme Court seeking clarification of the scope of the law.

The Oklahoma Supreme Court’s broad answer apparently made the case, Cline v. Oklahoma Coalition for Reproductive Justice, No. 12-1094, less attractive to the justices who had voted to hear it and who probably wanted to consider only the narrower issue of whether states may require adherence to the protocol from the Food and Drug Administration for an abortion-inducing drug.

Other cases presenting versions of that narrower question, including one concerning a Texas law, may soon reach the court.

Also on Monday, several clinics that offer abortions filed an emergency application asking the court to block another part of the Texas law, this one requiring doctors who provide abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital. Allowing the law to stand, the clinics said, would require one-third of the 36 clinics providing abortions in the state to stop, forcing many women to travel several hours to obtain abortions.

“This forced cessation of services and reduction in capacity will prevent, each year, approximately 20,000 Texas women who would have otherwise had an abortion from accessing this constitutionally protected health care service,” the application filed Monday said.

The application was addressed to Justice Antonin Scalia, the member of the court assigned to handle emergency matters from federal courts in Texas. He instructed state officials to file a response by Nov. 12.

The Oklahoma case concerned a 2000 protocol from the F.D.A., which approved the use of mifepristone, sometimes called RU-486, in combination with a second drug, to induce abortions. The Oklahoma law at issue in the case dismissed on Monday restricted the use of abortion-inducing drugs to that protocol.

In December, the State Supreme Court struck down the law in a brief and cryptic decision.

Even as the United States Supreme Court agreed in June to hear the state’s appeal, it asked for clarification from the State Supreme Court about whether the law merely required adherence to the F.D.A.-approved protocol for mifepristone or did more.

The State Supreme Court on Tuesday gave the broader answer, saying the law “effectively bans all medication abortions.” It rested its decision in large part on language in the state law that it said applied not just to mifepristone but also to a second drug used in combination with it, misoprostol.

The court explained in an unsigned decision that new research since 2000 had refined the proper use of mifepristone, calling for a lower dose, fewer visits to clinics and use later in the pregnancy. “Ninety-six percent of medication abortions in the United States are now provided according to a regimen different from the one described in mifepristone’s F.D.A.-approved label,” the court said.