Now, 'micro-windmills' to power your cellphone

   Jan 13, 11:24 am

Washington, Jan. 13 (ANI): Researchers have developed tiny " micro-windmills" that they have claimed can potentially revive the dead batteries of your cellphone in just a few minutes.

The windmills created by the researchers at the University of Texas Arlington (UTA) are so tiny that ten of them can fit on one grain of rice, the Verge reported.

According to researcher J.C. Chiao , if a hundred of them were glued onto a cell phone case and held out of the window they could charge the phone in just a few minutes.

The 1.8mm-wide windmills look fragile, but UTA said that their flexible nickel alloy components can withstand strong winds without undergoing any fracture. (ANI)

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