Micro-Windmills May One Day Power Your Smart Phone [Forbes]

Bigger is better has practically become a rule of thumb in the wind power business.

Indeed, the typical wind turbine size has grown from about 300 kilowatts in 1990 to a whopping 7.5 megawatts in 2011.

A team of electrical engineers in Texas is challenging the industry’s conventional wisdom by building a wind turbine about 1/10 the size of a single grain of rice.

J.C. Chiao, a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Texas, Arlington, and Smitha Rao, a graduate research associate at UT, Arlington, developed the so-called micro-windmill technology based on recent advances in micro-robotic devices.

The micro-windmills are about 1/15 of an inch wide and can generate electric power from ambient wind.

via Micro-Windmills May One Day Power Your Smart Phone – Forbes.

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About plerudulier

Primarily interested in interacting and engaging with people about issues related to profession but also charity, environment, ... you get the idea.

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