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These stories are recommended for you by Gravity.


The recommendations may include stories from other partners, some of whom pay to include their content here.

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Default is 100x100 square. @return {Boolean} */ if ((_ref = window.grvElemInView) == null) { window.grvElemInView = function(elem, inViewThreshold) { var elemRect, heightInView, inView, widthInView, windowHeight, windowWidth; if (inViewThreshold == null) { inViewThreshold = 10000; } inView = false; elemRect = elem.getBoundingClientRect(); windowHeight = documentElem.clientHeight; if ((elemRect.top >= 0 && elemRect.top < windowHeight) || (elemRect.bottom >= 0 && elemRect.bottom < windowHeight) || (elemRect.top < 0 && elemRect.bottom >= windowHeight)) { windowWidth = documentElem.clientWidth; if ((elemRect.left >= 0 && elemRect.left < windowWidth) || (elemRect.right >= 0 && elemRect.right < windowWidth) || (elemRect.left < 0 && elemRect.right >= windowWidth)) { widthInView = Math.min(elemRect.right, windowWidth) - Math.max(elemRect.left, 0); heightInView = Math.min(elemRect.bottom, windowHeight) - Math.max(elemRect.top, 0); if (widthInView * heightInView > inViewThreshold) { inView = true; } } } return inView; }; } if ((_ref1 = window.grvPageViewId) == null) { window.grvPageViewId = { widgetLoaderWindowUrl: window.location.href, timeMillis: new Date().getTime().toString(), rand: Math.random().toString().replace('.', '').replace(/^0+/, '') }; } loadWidgets = function($) { var $window, c, frameUrl, inputSourceUrl, postMessageSupported, receiveMessage, sourceUrl, url_to_iframe, _fn, _i, _len, _ref2, _ref3, _ref4; $window = $(window); postMessageSupported = !!window.postMessage; url_to_iframe = {}; receiveMessage = function(event) { var $iframe, decimalPart, iframeAndContainer, iframeElem, iframeSrc, intPart, is_maybe_our_message, matches, messageDomainMatches, msg, msg_data, msg_placement, msg_siteguid, msg_userid, onScroll, unit, url_data, _base, _ref2, _this = this; if (event.data && event.origin) { msg_data = typeof (_base = event.data).split === "function" ? _base.split("|") : void 0; is_maybe_our_message = ((msg_data != null ? msg_data.length : void 0) || 0) >= 4; if (!is_maybe_our_message) { return; } msg_siteguid = msg_data[0], msg_userid = msg_data[1], msg_placement = msg_data[2], msg = msg_data[3]; url_data = "" + msg_siteguid + "|" + msg_userid + "|" + msg_placement; iframeAndContainer = url_to_iframe[url_data]; iframeSrc = iframeAndContainer != null ? iframeAndContainer.find('[src]').attr('src') : void 0; messageDomainMatches = (iframeSrc != null ? iframeSrc.indexOf(event.origin) : void 0) === 0; if (messageDomainMatches) { $iframe = iframeAndContainer.filter('iframe'); iframeElem = $iframe[0]; if (msg === 'grv_show') { iframeAndContainer.show(); iframeElem.contentWindow.postMessage('widgetShown', '*'); $window.bind('scroll', onScroll = function() { if (grvElemInView(iframeElem)) { $window.unbind('scroll', onScroll); return iframeElem.contentWindow.postMessage('widgetInView', '*'); } }); return onScroll(); } else if (msg === 'showAttrib') { return window.grvShowAttributionModal($); } else if (((_ref2 = (matches = /^setHeight:(\d+)(\.\d+)?(px|%)?/.exec(msg))) != null ? _ref2[1] : void 0) != null) { intPart = matches[1]; decimalPart = matches[2] || ''; unit = matches[3] || 'px'; iframeAndContainer.height(intPart + decimalPart + unit); iframeElem.contentWindow.postMessage('heightUpdated', '*'); if ($iframe.width() >= 2) { $iframe.css('opacity', 1); return $window.trigger('scroll'); } } } } }; inputSourceUrl = (_ref2 = window.gravityInsightsParams) != null ? 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