
The make command allows programmers to easily manage programs with large numbers of files. It aids in developing large programs by encoding instructions on how to build the program, keeping track of which portions of the entire program have been changed, and compiling only those parts of the program which have changed since the last compile.

The make program gets its set of compile rules from a text file called Makefile which resides in the same directory as the source files. It contains information on how to compile the software, e.g. the compiler to use, the optimization level, whether to include debugging info in the executable, etc.. It also contains information on where to install the finished compiled binaries (executables), manual pages, data files, dependent library files, configuration files, etc.. For example, when we built the units program in the previous tutorial, the configure program automatically created a Makefile for building units, so that we did not need to compile everything manually.

Retrieve the set of files for this tutorial either through clicking here or by copying the relevant files at the command line:

$ cp -R /hpc/examples/workshops/hpc/makefile_tutorial .

You should now see a new subdirectory entitled makefile_tutorial in your current directory. This is where we will work for the rest of this section. Inside this directory you will see a number of files:

driver.cpp      vector_difference.cpp    vector_sum.cpp
one_norm.cpp    vector_product.cpp

Here, the main program is held in the file driver.cpp, and supporting subroutines are held in the remaining files. To compile these on ManeFrame, it takes a number of steps.

Let’s first compile and assemble the auxiliary subroutine one_norm.cpp:

$ g++ -c one_norm.cpp

This calls the GNU C++ compiler, g++, to create an object file, named one_norm.o, that contains compiler-generated CPU instructions on how to execute the function in the file one_norm.cpp.

Use similar instructions to create the object files driver.o, vector_difference.o, vector_product.o and vector_sum.o in a similar fashion.

You should now have the files driver.o, one_norm.o, vector_difference.o, vector_product.o and vector_sum.o in your directory. The final stage in creating the executable is to link these files together. We may call g++ one more time to do this (which itself calls the system-dependent linker), supplying all of the object files as arguments so that g++ knows which files to link together:

$ g++ driver.o one_norm.o vector_difference.o vector_product.o \
  vector_sum.o -lm

This creates an executable file named a.out, which is the default (entirely non-descriptive) name given by most compilers to the resulting executable. The additional argument -lm is used to tell g++ to link these functions against the built-in math library (so that we can use the absolute value function, fabs(), that is called inside the one_norm.cpp file.

You can instead give your executable a more descriptive name with the -o option:

$ g++ driver.o one_norm.o vector_difference.o vector_product.o \
  vector_sum.o -lm -o driver.exe

This will create the same executable, but with the more descriptive name driver.exe.

How can a Makefile help?

While you may find it to be quite enjoyable to compile every source file by hand, and then manually link them together into an executable, the process can be completely automated by using a Makefile.

A few rules about Makefiles:

  • The make program will look for any of the files: GNUmakefile, makefile, and Makefile (in that order) for build instructions. Most people consider the name Makefile as best practice, though any are acceptable.

  • Inside the Makefile, lines beginning with the # character are treated as comments, and are ignored.

  • Blank lines are ignored.

  • You specify a target for make to build using the syntax,

    target : dependencies
          build command 1
          build command 2
          build command 3

    where each of the lines following the target : line must begin with a [Tab] character. Each of these lines are executed when make is called. These lines are executed as if they were typed directly at the command line (as with a shell script).

  • More than one target may be included in any Makefile.

  • If you just type make at the command line, only the first target is run.

As an example, examine the Makefile from the previous tutorial. Here, all of the lines are either blank or are comment lines except for the four sets:

hello_cpp.exe : hello.cpp
        g++ hello.cpp -o hello_cpp.exe

hello_c.exe : hello.c
        gcc hello.c -o hello_c.exe

hello_f90.exe : hello.f90
        gfortran hello.f90 -o hello_f90.exe

hello_f77.exe : hello.f
        gfortran hello.f -o hello_f77.exe

Here, we have four build targets, hello_cpp.exe, hello_c.exe, hello_f90.exe and hello_f77.exe (it is traditional to give the target the same name as the output of the build commands).

Each of these targets depend a source code file listed to the right of the colon; here these are hello.cpp, hello.c, hello.f90 and hello.f, respectively.

The indented lines (each require a single [Tab] character) under each target contain the instructions on how to build that executable. For example, make will build hello_cpp.exe by issuing the command g++ hello.cpp -o hello_cpp.exe, which does the compilation, assembly and linking all in one step (since there is only one source code file).

Alternatively, this Makefile could have been written:

hello_cpp.exe : hello.cpp
        g++ -c hello.cpp
        g++ hello.o -o hello_cpp.exe

hello_c.exe : hello.c
        gcc -c hello.c
        gcc hello.o -o hello_c.exe

hello_f90.exe : hello.f90
        gfortran -c hello.f90
        gfortran hello.o -o hello_f90.exe

hello_f77.exe : hello.f
        gfortran -c hello.f
        gfortran hello.o -o hello_f77.exe

or even as

hello_cpp.exe :
        g++ hello.cpp -o hello_cpp.exe

hello_c.exe :
        gcc hello.c -o hello_c.exe

hello_f90.exe :
        gfortran hello.f90 -o hello_f90.exe

hello_f77.exe :
        gfortran hello.f -o hello_f77.exe

(which ignores the dependency on the source code files hello.cpp, hello.c, hello.f90 and hello.f, respectively).

Makefile Variables

As you likely noticed, many of the above commands seemed very repetitive (e.g., continually calling gfortran, or repeating the dependencies and target name in the compile line).

As with anything in Linux, we’d prefer to do things as easily as possible, which is where Makefile variables come into the picture. We can define our own variable in a Makefile by placing the variable to the left of an equal sign, with the value to the right (as with Bash):

VAR = value

The main difference with Bash comes in how we use these variables. Again, it requires a $, but we also need to use parentheses or braces, $(VAR) or ${VAR}. In addition, there are a few built-in variables within Makefile commands that can be quite handy:

  • $^ – in a compilation recipe, this references all of the dependencies for the target

  • $< – in a compilation recipe, this references the first dependency for the target

  • $@ – in a compilation recipe, this references the target name

With these, we can streamline our previous Makefile example considerably:


hello_cpp.exe : hello.cpp
        $(CXX) $^ -o $@

hello_c.exe : hello.c
        $(CC) $^ -o $@

hello_f90.exe : hello.f90
        $(FC) $^ -o $@

hello_f77.exe : hello.f
        $(FC) $^ -o $@

Advanced Usage

If we have one main routine in the file driver.c that uses functions residing in multiple input files, e.g., func1.c, func2.c, func3.c and func4.c, it is standard to compile each of the input functions into .o files separately, and then to link them together with the driver at the last stage. This can be very helpful when developing/debugging code, since if you only change one line in file2.c, you do not need to re-compile all of your input functions, just the one that you changed. By setting up your Makefile so that the targets are the .o files, and if the Makefile knows how to build each .o file so that it depends on the respective .c file, recompilation of your project can be very efficient. For example,


driver.exe : driver.o func1.o func2.o func3.o func4.o
        $(CC) $^ -o $@

driver.o : driver.c
        $(CC) -c $^ -o $@

func1.o : func1.c
        $(CC) -c $^ -o $@

func2.o : func2.c
        $(CC) -c $^ -o $@

func3.o : func3.c
        $(CC) -c $^ -o $@

func4.o : func4.c
        $(CC) -c $^ -o $@

However, if this actually depends on a large number of input functions, the Makefile can become very long if you have to specify the recipe for compiling each .c file into a .o file. To this end, we can supply an explicit rule for how to perform this conversion, e.g.,

OBJS=driver.o func1.o func2.o func3.o func4.o func5.o \
     func6.o func7.o func8.o func9.o func10.o func11.o \
     func12.o func13.o func14.o func15.o

driver.exe : $(OBJS)
        $(CC) $^ -o $@

%.o : %.c
        $(CC) -c $^ -o $@

Here, the last block specifies the rule for how to convert any .c file into a .o file. Similarly, we have defined the OBJS variable to list out all of the .o files that we need to generate our executable. Notice that the line continuation character is \:

  • The \ must be the last character on the line (no trailing spaces)

  • Continued lines must use spaces to start the line (no “Tab”), though they aren’t required to line up as pretty as in this example.

As a final example, let’s now suppose that all of the files in our project #include the same header file, head.h. Of course, if we change even a single line in this header file, we’ll need to recompile all of our .c files, so we need to add head.h as a dependency for processing our .c files into .o files:

OBJS=driver.o func1.o func2.o func3.o func4.o func5.o \
     func6.o func7.o func8.o func9.o func10.o func11.o \
     func12.o func13.o func14.o func15.o

driver.exe : $(OBJS)
        $(CC) $^ -o $@

%.o : %.c head.h
        $(CC) -c $< -o $@

Note that to the right of the colon in our explicit rule we have now listed the header file, head.h. Also notice that within the explicit rule, we now use the $< instead of the $^, this is because we want the compilation line to be, e.g.,

gcc -c func3.c -o func3.o

and not

gcc -c func3.c head.h -o func3.o

so we only wanted to automatically list the first dependency from the list, and not all dependencies.

Makefile Exercise

Create a Makefile to compile the executable driver.exe for this workshop tutorial, out of the files driver.cpp, one_norm.cpp, vector_difference.cpp, vector_product.cpp and vector_sum.cpp. This should encode all of the commands that we earlier needed to do by hand. Start out with the command:

$ gedit Makefile &

to have gedit create the file Makefile in the background, so that while you edit the Makefile you can still use the terminal window to try out make as you add commands.

You can incorporate more than one target into your Makefile. The first target in the file will be executed by a make command without any arguments. All other targets may be executed through the command make target, where target is the name you have specified for a target in the Makefile.

For example, a standard Makefile target is to clean up the temporary files created during compilation of the executable, typically entitled clean. In our compilation process, we created the temporary files driver.o, one_norm.o, vector_product.o, vector_sum.o and vector_difference.o. These could be cleaned up with the single command make clean if we add the following lines to the Makefile, after your commands to create driver.exe:

clean :
      rm -f *.o

Now type make clean in the terminal – all of the temporary build files have been removed.

Makefiles can be much more complicated than those outlined here, but for our needs in this tutorial these commands should suffice. For additional information on the make system, see the PDF manual listed below.

Make resources: